วันอังคารที่ 28 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Leaders: What You Should Know About Your Followers

The one reason why successful leaders need to have a full range of leadership styles is to be able to properly lead the people who are their followers.

Followers do not all have the same needs from their leaders. Depending on a variety of factors, such as age, skills, experience, confidence, and, above all, personality, followers will look to their leaders to relate to them in ways that are quite different from others in the team.

Generally-speaking, followers fall into 3 categories:

1. Individualists. Individualists are those who don't want their leader to be breathing down their necks all the time. They like to do their own thing.

They may be people who by nature like to dominate those around them, or who are conscientious and intelligent enough to motivate themselves, or people who go at their own pace and get work done in their own time and in their own way.

Individualists need various degrees of laissez-faire management. At one end of the spectrum, you may need to agree with them just how much freedom they're allowed. At the other end, you may tell them that you trust them entirely.

Laissez-faire styles of leadership do not, of course, mean that you should leave this type of follower alone. Individualists still want to know that what they are doing is OK and still need the same sorts of recognition from you that you would give to anyone else. It's just that they want you to treat them like grown-ups.

2. Dependents. Dependent followers are quite different from individualists.

By nature, they have no desire to work on their own. For them, the leader is the focal point of all they do, if you like, the touchstone against which they judge how they are doing.

Dependents may be people who need a high level of security and authority in their work, the reassurance that, as long as the boss OK's it, then it's OK. They may also be people who like to keep busy all the time and are happiest when they have a steady stream of tasks coming from the boss. They may also be people who like a lot of clarity in their work, who need to know what's going on at all times, and who can only get this information from a knowledgeable boss.

Leaders will find they need to build one-to-one relationships with the dependents in their team. At all times, they will use different levels of directive styles of management, in contrast to the hands-off style they use with individualists. This can range from spelling out clearly what they have to do at one extreme to having regular get-togethers to check on progress at the other. Dependents have a child-like relationship with their leaders in which they expect to be looked after.

3. Co-operatives. The third group of followers are co-operatives.

Co-operatives are people who need to be in relationships with others, particularly their team leaders. They may be people who like to be needed, like to be admired, or who like to feel special.

Those who like to be needed will rely on the boss emotionally to feel they are valuable members of the team. They love nothing more than being called on to help out in an emergency. People who want to be admired crave recognition. Much of their work is designed to impress others, especially the boss. Those who like to feel special want to be recognized for their special gifts and special contribution. This recognition is especially valued when it comes from the leader, even if they don't go looking for it.

Leaders need to be aware that co-operatives relate to their leaders in emotional ways. They need regular strokes of recognition, feedback, and approval. But in all other respects they want to be treated as adults. As such, the relationship between leaders and co-operatives is similar to the relationship between adults and teenagers.

We are all different and have different needs. The key to successful team leadership is not just having a variety of styles of leading that we can apply when we want to, but in applying them successfully to meet the individual needs of our team members.

© 2005, Eric Garner, ManageTrainLearn.com

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วันพุธที่ 22 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Business Tips Alexander Pepper says that leaders can be made

In this business tv show, Alexander Pepper, Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers tells us that leadership can be taught, and in doing so, many leaders are made: "I'm sure that honing you leadership skills can have an impact on your business. I also believe very passionately that there's a lot of leadership skills can be taught so some leaders are born but an awful lot of leaders are made and have helped to make themselves by learning the tools of leadership. I think that's very clear, that's common ground. I think what's much more difficult is to decide what good leadership is and there are as many opinions about that as there are people available to offer opinions. There's this concept a situation or leadership which is that what good leadership in one context is is bad leadership in another context and that's probably right. I mean I can think of a story about a guy who leads a professional services firm, a successful organisation that was taken into a merger. The merger was difficult as mergers often are; he would be adjudged to have made a number of mistakes along the way and was eventually, you know he was kind of forced to leave. Went on to a different organisation, a company that had done a lot of acquisitions but hadn't really assimilated the stuff that had been done, needed to get back to its core business, needed a tough leader who was prepared to make some difficult decisions and do a lot of cost cutting. Same man did a fantastic job and is now hero in that ...


วันอาทิตย์ที่ 19 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

How Do You Know if a Leadership Style is Effective?

Simply stated, a leadership style is effective when it fits most of the requirements of the situation. For example if the business circumstance is a desperate turn-around situation, the leader's style has to be decisive, single minded, tough, confident, fair, bold, motivating, inspiring, and patient. To remain successful, this style would eventually have to change as the improved desired state is reached. Why? Because the situation is changing and so to must the leadership style move from a command-and-control/crisis approach to a more cooperative, team building approach characterized by longer range vision and competitive strategies.

I was given three opportunities at turn-around leadership roles in my career and found that the effective style that helped me successfully turn-around a poor performing operation was not the style that would nurture the level performing operation after the turnaround. Once the excitement and pace of the turnaround was over, I had to re-energize myself, my staff, and employees. I had to create a long-range vision, mission, set of strategic initiatives, and enthusiastically communicate that vision to give my employees another reason for coming to work besides saving our own jobs.

In his research on business situations and leadership, Victor Vroom created a working definition for leadership based upon a process orientation versus a set of properties belonging to the leader. Vroom indicates that a more process-oriented definition of leadership involves the following:

1. The process involves a particular form of influence called motivating.

2. The nature of the incentives, extrinsic or intrinsic, is not part of the definition.

3. The consequence of the influence is collaboration in pursuit of a common goal.

4. The "great things" are in the minds of both leader and followers and are not necessarily viewed as desirable by all other parties.

Vroom also sites the Leadership Contingency Model by Fred Fiedler as representative of a shift in thinking about leadership as a function influenced by the leader, the followers, and the situation. Fiedler suggests the most successful leadership outcome is a result of matching the leader to the situation. As an executive, the concept may be as intuitive to your way of thinking as it is to mine. However, I would take the concept a step further to propose that the most valuable leadership stock in your organization is those leaders who have proven they are able to adapt and lead successfully in a variety of situations.

If as a leader, you have the capacity to size up a leadership situation quickly, and the versatility to modify your leadership style, you can handle a variety of assignments and be effective. This is so very important for business leaders to understand and master since over the course of an entire career, you will be faced with a variety of complex leadership situations. The approaches and style you successfully used before may lead to only marginal results or worse.

Hoppe, M. W., (September 1970), Leadership Style and Effectiveness Of department Chairmen In Business Administration, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 13, Issue 3

Fiedler, F. E., (September 1977), Job engineering for effective leadership: A new approach, Management Review, Vol. 66 Issue 9

Khan, O., (Fall 2005), The challenge of adaptive leadership, Leader to Leader, Vol. 2005 Issue 38

Vroom, V. H.; Jago, A. G., (January 2007), The Role of the Situation in Leadership, American Psychologist,Vol. 62, Issue 1

Mr. McCarty has a proven record of accomplishment in strategic leadership roles for fortune 500 companies. He is an award winning performer in the areas of large-scale operations leadership, strategic planning, senior project management, and significant contributions to the bottom line. Michael has successfully leveraged his leadership skills to provide keen insight, vision, direction, and executive support to financial services firms, information technology firms, and the automotive, credit, and insurance industries. He has been particularly effective in start-up and turnaround situations.

Insisting on integrity, self-reliance, resourcefulness, and ingenuity, Mr. McCarty is an action and solution oriented leader capable of making strong financial contributions to the bottom line. Operational leadership in the areas of process improvements, cost analysis, and innovative revenue generation characterize soundly this veteran executive's distinguished career. For more on Mr. McCarty, please refer to http://www.leadershippinnacle.com

วันเสาร์ที่ 18 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Effective And Adaptive Leadership

ProjectShrink.com The topic of this episode of The Project Shrink Podcast is "Adaptive Leadership". I am talking with Milton Friesen, author of Ingenuity Arts. Effective leadership is critical for the success of today's organizations. His book aims to help you learn how adaptive leaders think. Ingenuity Arts argues that current research into complex adaptive systems can be a significant asset in designing and leading adaptive organizations that will thrive amid a pace of change that continues to increase.


วันพุธที่ 15 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Apostle Matthew Stevenson (Part 8) Cultivating World Changers

Apostle Matthew Stevenson concludes his message to cultivate World Changers. In the conclusion, He talks about different leadership styles that bring the most results in the Body of Christ. All ministry leadership will benefit to this teaching. We can impact the earth more effectively if we have integrity in leadership.


วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

The Paschall Brothers perform "God Said He Would Move/On the Right Road Now"

The Tidewater style of a cappella gospel is one of several regional styles that took root in the American South and eastern states after the Civil War. These groups have always been called quartets even though they could have six or more members: The word quartet refers to the fact that the groups sing in four-part harmony. Formed in 1981 under the leadership of Frank Paschall Sr., the Paschall Brothers perform classic Tidewater repertoire along with original compositions. The Paschalls add their own flair to these pieces, expanding harmonic structure and creating distinct arrangements that maintain the integrity of the original while creating a passionate sound that is uniquely theirs. Thecontent and comments posted here are subject to the Smithsonian Institution copyright and privacy policy (www.si.edu/copyright/). Smithsonian reserves the right in its sole discretion to remove any content at any time.


วันเสาร์ที่ 11 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Hanuman - The Apostle of Servant Leadership

We know many styles of leadership like autocratic, situational, participative and many more. Among these, a new leadership style is emerging in the corporate world, which is inevitable in the business scenario of post globalization, and highly competitive with increasing expectations. The life and living style of Hanuman, most prominent character in the epic Ramayana, who is selfless, symbol of sacrifice and zero arrogance.

Hanuman, who has surrendered himself to his 'Boss' Lord Rama is always at the reach of His Master to obey his orders with all humility and commitment, from the moment he was introduced to Him. Hanuman was never competitive and always maintained low profile. But, when time comes, He was the first to jump into action, which is the quality of a result oriented action leadership. He helped his 'Boss' to find out his wife Sita, who was abducted by Ravan, the demon king. He was one of the most 'courageous followers' whose qualities were mentioned by Ira Chaleff in his award winning book 'The Courageous Follower: Standing Up To and For Our Leaders'. Hanuman is an ideal and courageous subordinate, who always ready to guide even his Boss when in need.

Corporate leaders are trying to emulate the qualities of servant leadership which are most prominently seen in successful Indian corporate leaders of post globalization such as Ratan Tata, N.R.Narayan Murthy, Azim Premji, Nandan Nilekani, whose expertise in running giant business houses compelled the government to use their services on different occasions, whenever there is a need of their services to serve the general public.

The eight habits of Servant Leaders
1. Patience - show self-control
2. Kindness - is an act of love
3. Humility - displaying an absence of pride
4. Respect - treating people like they are important
5. Selflessness - meeting the needs of others
6. Forgiveness - letting go
7. Honesty - being free from deception
8. Commitment - sticking to your choice

Legitimate leadership, influence, is built upon serving, sacrificing, and seeking the greatest good of those being led. Influence does not come because of a title or an army. Influence must be earned. There are no shortcuts.

Anytime we extend our-selves, sacrifice, and serve others, we build authority and thereby influence. If you get your people what they need, they will get you everything you need. Then leadership will be defined not by what we accomplish but by what we get accomplished through others. The servant-leader must constantly ask: How can I use myself to serve best?

Leadership requires selflessness. The will to serve and sacrifice for others, the willingness to set aside our wants and needs in seeking the greatest good for others - this is what it means to be selfless. This is what it means to be a leader. The road to servant leadership lies not in trying to fix or change others but in working on changing and improving ourselves. 'Everyone wants to change the world, but no one wants to change himself.'

Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them. Servant leaders ask, 'how can I help you to do your job better.'

To conclude, if you wish to become a successful as a corporate leader, emulate the qualities of Hanuman with a perspective of global Indian corporate leaders.

The author is a Senior HR Professional, HR Consultant, Career Management Consultant, Soft Skills Trainer and Founder CEO of aimkaam consultrainers, Hyderabad. You may reach him at cramaphani@yahoo.com.

วันศุกร์ที่ 10 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Winning Big Presentation - Arjun Sen, ZenMango

Arjun Sen, president of ZenMango and Restaurant Marketing Group gives a presentation on how to leverage the power of current customers in this trying economy. Why Now? Consumer spending, investor confidence, and available cash are all down, and business strategy must adapt or sink. Arjun Sen andthe ZenMango™ team have developed a method to win big in a down economy without spending cash. This method outlines which strategiesto throw out and which to implement now to build great corporate habits for a bright future in a hurting economy. LEARN HOW TO CALCULATE THE VALUE OF YOUR CUSTOMERS Arjun Sen will take you through the simplicity of the power of ones quantitative analysis; the impact will leave you astounded. DETERMINE HOW TO WOW 1 MORE™ Wow 1 More™ is Arjun Senstime tested, unique approach to customer loyalty. In this section, Arjun Sen will show you the need for Wow 1 More™, how to wow a customer, and common challenges brands face. MOVE CUSTOMERS UP THE LOYALTY LADDER Move customers into more profitable brand usage categories using solutions unique to your brand. Arjun will help you identify the simple mantra that will be your key to success as you try to refocus all your initiatives around customer needs. LEARN WHY CUSTOMERS ARE NOT COMING BACK Understand how to pin down specific reasons customers are not returning to your brand using Leaky Bucket® research. The Leaky Bucket® process gives your brand a set of mutually exclusive and comprehensively exhaustive reasons ...


วันพุธที่ 8 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Does A Best Leadership Style Exist?

So much is said [and written] about leadership. All questions are answered, it seems. How should you lead? What are the requirements to be a successful leader? How should a leader handle his/her followers? What are the better leadership styles? Everyone knows how to delegate, discipline, and develop your followers. We are also taught how to determine and use vision, mission, motivation and the like. In general, we live in times where the science of leadership, in all aspects has been thoroughly covered. Or has it?

I have often queried the fact that leadership gurus feel so secure in their statement that a 'one best leadership style' does not exist. How can they make such a statement when they have not properly researched the leadership style of the most important leader of all times? In my thesis and subsequent series of books on True Shepherd Leadership, I provide much evidence that a best leadership style does in fact exist, and that Christians are in fact instructed to apply the same leadership style. It is not as if we received a hint, pointing to the fact that if all else failed, we could perhaps consider this as a last resort, or handy alternative. We are admonished to go and do as Jesus did. We were supposed to lead according to the style that Jesus described and exhibited. We are supposed to be True Shepherd Leaders according to the example of Jesus.

Questions that need to be answered are: [a] How did Jesus lead, and [b] how do we know that it is the best leadership style?

Let us start with the second question, which to my mind is the easiest to answer. How can we say that the True Shepherd Leadership style, [the leadership style of Jesus Christ] is the best of all leadership styles? My suggestion to the doubtful ones is always to answer the following two easy questions: [i] Was Jesus in fact the most important leader ever on this earth, and [ii] would Jesus [being the Son of God] use an inferior leadership style, considering that He had all knowledge from eternal past to eternal future at His avail?

Beginning with the first question, all you need do is go to your local newspaper to prove that in fact Jesus is the most important leader ever. How does the newspaper prove this? Look at the date. It declares that today, [whatever the date], came up a certain number of years, months and days after the birth of Jesus. Wonderful is it not? Your calendar, diary, newspaper and magazines all witness to the existence of Jesus. Now, how many newspapers have you seen dated from the birth of Hitler, Kennedy, or Napoleon? If somebody had been printing such dates on papers, I have not seen any. I will not spend any more space to prove that Jesus is the world's most important leader ever, but if you disagree, do some research yourself on who had the greatest influence on the human race ever, and I am confident you will also come to the same conclusion.

Secondly, how do we prove that Jesus applied the best ever leadership style? Answer this: Why would the Son of God, who had foreknowledge of everything from the beginning of the earth, NOT utilize the best leadership style available? In all honesty, I have not heard any worthwhile argument against Jesus exercising the best leadership style.

But, for the sake of the doubtful ones, let us think this over. The eternal all-knowing God provided mankind with a complete and perfect redemption plan. This plan was not only perfectly planned, but also perfectly timed. Making a study of God's redemption plan, you cannot but stand in awe. Everything was so perfectly planned, and nothing was left to coincidence. You can look at many examples, such as for instance crucifixion as mode of capital punishment, or the total eclipse of the sun after Jesus' death. Jesus' crucifixion was foretold by prophets hundreds of years before. The words that Jesus uttered on the cross are recorded in the book of Psalms. There are so many facts making up the totality of the redemption plan, that it is unthinkable that God would have left anything to chance.

Why then, would He not have specifically designed and planned the leadership style of Jesus in the same meticulous manner? Jesus' leadership style would have been perfectly planned as everything else, and therefore I cannot be convinced that He made use of a leadership style which was anything but the best.

Returning to the first part, namely what was the leadership style of Jesus really like, let us consider a few facts. Jesus [again without coincidence] came to earth in a time when farming [and especially sheep farming] was well-known and widely practiced. If a person came to any local school today and started talking about the behaviour of mountain sheep, chances are that no child in the school would have any knowledge about it. Not so in Jesus' time however. Sheep, sheep farming, and the behaviour of sheep were well known. Sheep farming were part of the community.

Hence, unlike today, when Jesus declared I am the Good Shepherd, His audience knew exactly what He was referring to. They knew sheep, and they knew shepherds. They knew what good shepherds would be doing well and what poor shepherds would be doing wrong. They knew about wolves, lions, and other dangers that threatened sheep. They also knew that there were people out there that pretended to be real shepherds, but who were actually only doing the job of a shepherd for the money they could make out of it. However, as soon as any danger threatened, their loyalty to their own bank accounts showed, as did their disloyalty to the sheep.

Jesus is the Good Shepherd, the Perfect Shepherd. He is The Shepherd of all shepherds. Jesus knows about the needs of sheep as well as the needs of shepherds. He is the only person to have lived both in heaven and on earth, and having experienced the personal presence of God as well as the physical hardships of mankind. Jesus is the only person worthy of being given the title of Good Shepherd.

And when Jesus spoke to His disciples on this subject, and wanted to teach them how they should behave towards their followers when they take over the flock after He went back to His Father, He began by describing it in two well-known sentences, namely: I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. (John 10:11 KJV)

Is there such a thing as a best leadership style? I believe there is. It is the leadership style of Jesus Christ, which I call True Shepherd Leadership.

Dr Gerrit van Vuuren [Ph.D.] is Principal of the Shepherd Leadership Institute. http://www.shepherdleader.co.za At the age of 30 he accepted Jesus as Saviour, resulting in a radical conversion, a radical calling, and a radical ministry. Dr Gerrit wrote a research doctoral thesis on the 'leadership style of Jesus Christ', and has a calling to teach the body of Christ to understand and apply Jesus' leadership style, which he calls True Shepherd Leadership © For more information, e-mail him at gerrit@shepherdleader.co.za

วันจันทร์ที่ 6 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Leadership Training - Braveheart Voice Over

Just a funny voice over we did for our leadership training at PSBC


วันอาทิตย์ที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Work Styles - Mix And Match For The Most Effective Style

Jane and Bob have their team, and they are very happy with them. They understand each team member's work style, and now they can eliminate and minimize any negative impact caused by putting together people whose work styles are not complementary. In addition, Jane and Bob can actually use their understanding of work styles to create a more cohesive team.

Let's find out what Jane and Bob already know.

When Jane and Bob talk about work styles, they're referring to each team member's work style, how he or she gets work done, as well as leadership work styles, how leaders lead.

Leadership work styles include

  • authoritative/decisive - This leader is a take charge type, confident, and decisive. She delegates details and responsibilities well, and has a great demand for perfection. Think "take charge!"

  • persuasive - This leader type gets things done through influence. He influences convincingly and with determination. He believes in people, and is devastated when someone lets him down. This person is an effective and enthusiastic team builder. He is all about people.

  • caretaker/persistent - She is usually promoted from within, and employees respect her. She has a stabilizing effect and keeps things running harmoniously; however, she prefers the pace to be set by another, external source. She can then take action and adjust as needed. She makes the best of what comes along and persistently presses towards the goal. She's the diplomat.

  • procedural/traditional - He follows the systems that have already been established. He is an effective leader through factors of rules, regulations, and proven methods. Accuracy, quality, and a high regard for uncompromising interest in correct results define this leader.

Whatever the leadership style, each can get the job done, the action items checked off, and the goal met. However, it doesn't just stop with knowing what the leader's work style is. The leadership work style must work and play well with others, meaning the work styles of the team members.

Matching the leadership work style with the team's needs and work styles will be more effective than not paying attention to it at all. For example, if Jane and Bob have members on their team that do not respond well to decisions being made without their input, then an authoritative/decisive leadership style is not going to work well.

Members' work styles include

  • dominance - She automatically knows if it works or not, and her primary concern is getting things done. She's action-oriented, fast, and decisive, but she can be impatient with implementation, for example, if it takes too long.

  • extroversion - He tends to say, "That will work, but it would be even better if..." He works well with others, is creative, and wants to include/encourage others. He can also be diverse, but he loathes the detail, except in presentations. He can get carried away with too many ideas, so a good leader must limit his focus.

  • pace/patience - She needs time to think about it, although once she gets going, she's dependable, works methodically, and gets routine jobs done with little resistance. She can only take on one new task at a time, and she is paced to the deadline. She can often get lost in the importance of completing the task, and can't always foresee what else is needed to complete the task

  • conformity - He will compare the way you're doing it now to how it has been done in the past, and point out all the reasons it can't be done this way. He's very organized, has deliberate actions, and is thorough and punctual. His work will be accurate and complete.

So what?

Jane and Bob, knowing what the various work styles of their staff are as well as their own leadership styles, can mix and match accordingly. They know that someone with a conformity work style is best led by someone with a procedural/traditional leadership style But what if there's no choice? If Jane and Bob are both persuasive, not procedural/traditional, they need to understand that a high conformist team member likes rules, procedures, and details. The more specific they can be with their conformist team members, then the more productive and happy (which means even more productive) the team members will be.

Jane and Bob also know the following

  • Often team conflict arises due to differences in work style between the leader and the team. It could be a work style difference, or may even be a cultural or gender issue

  • Team conflict can arise when you have the wrong people (from a work style perspective) placed in the wrong role or position on the team

  • Matching the work styles with the roles and tasks and with other team members will produce a more effective team with less conflict

  • If they can't match (which is more likely), then knowing the work style characteristics of their own leadership style as well as those of the team members will make the project run more smoothly, keep it on track, and keep everyone happy - which all translates into a successful project.

Jane and Bob are off to mix and match to get the best, most effective team for their project!

Find out more about how Jane and Bob manage teams and create a more efficient work environment. Sign up for "How to Lead Them to Water AND Get Them to Drink" at http://www.incedogroup.com

วันศุกร์ที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Situational Leadership

This is a learning object on situational leadership. It was designed to assess student engagement. Dilbert cartoon from www.youtube.com


วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Innovative Leadership - Substance versus Style!

This may come as a surprise but when it comes to
innovative leadership, substance wins out over style every

Most organizations focus their time, attention and money on
training or recruiting operational, activity-based leaders -
however, very few companies devote any investment in the
development of innovative leadership competences.

Unlike traditional leadership, style isn't as important as
the substance of an innovative leader.

Leadership styles usually involve strategic solutions to
tactical challenges - leaders employ styles to influence,
govern or relate to people.

Innovative leadership depends on the substance of one's
innovation strategy, the model for innovating in use, the
principles and fundamentals of the technologies involved in
the innovation, and the organizational elements needed to
make the innovation successful.

What follows are some criteria you can use to identify,
recruit, develop and improve the capabilities of qualified
candidates for your innovative leadership ranks.

Tip-1 - Has Acquired a Broad, Insightful Knowledge of the
Humanities, Technologies or your Industry

This candidate has extensively read or written about and
possesses in-depth experiential knowledge of one or more of
the following areas:

  1. Understands the challenges of the human condition
    [perhaps worked as a missionary, been a volunteer, or lived
    and participated in the affairs of a foreign community],

  2. Knows one or more of the technologies critical to your
    organization's success or

  3. Worked in the exact or a related industry or has
    experience working with a similar business model as yours

The more of these experiences and knowledges a candidate has
acquired, the more likely she is to have the potential for
becoming a superior innovative leader.

An ideal profile might look like this:

"Candidate-A is a former relief aid worker who lived and
worked in 2 or more other countries, who studied technology
while in school and who worked for 3 years as a part-time
associate at a competitor company."

Tip-2 Appreciates Why the Engineering of Systems, Cycles,
Processes and Graphic Representations Are Primary Causes for
Organizational Success

Your search for and promotion of qualified candidates for
innovative leadership positions must include those persons
who are able to eloquently express or demonstrate the
requirements for and importance of systems, cyclical
principles, processes and graphical depictions of key
business elements.

Those candidates who have this level of appreciation for
core organizational components will have performed
prodigious amounts of work on them or spent significant
amounts of time trying to refine, improve or radically
change the systems, cyclical or process-oriented natures, or
graphical representations of their work environments or
operational model.

You're likely to find these types of employees working
within your midst, or they may have recently joined your
organization from other companies.

Tip-3 - Embraces, Leads or Has Experienced and Is Now
Prepared for Radical Change

While most people either avoid making changes or prefer not
to undergo change, innovative leadership demands an
emotional and psychological acceptance of or a positive
mental attitude for the constant realities of change.

In keeping with the themes of Tips one and two, you will
discover these people have experienced serious changes in
their living conditions or locations, work environments or
situations and in their job descriptions or knowledge

You may want to groom these people by helping them
strengthen their relationship-building, communications,
collaboration and cooperation and coaching skills. Your
investments of time and money would be well rewarded.


The famous innovator, entrepreneur and industrialist, Howard
Hughes, purportedly said, "Never judge a man by his
appearnace, always judge him by his experience!"
sentitment is the dominant theme of this article.

You can not evaluate a person based on what you see, you
must use conversations to determine their worth to your
organization instead. A scripted interview or your everyday
homogenuous scoring sheet system is not likely to identify
truly innovative leadership candidates.

Who would have hired Bill Gates as a software developer,
Warren Buffet as stock broker, Sir Richard Branson as an
entrepreneurial leader or Steve Jobs as a CEO using ordianry
hiring criteria and methods?

"Books were my pass to personal freedom. I learned to read
at age three, and soon discovered there was a whole world to
conquer that went beyond our farm in Mississippi."

- Oprah Winfrey, Entertainment and Social Entrepreneur

Nearly every innovator has been a serious student of life,
technology or business - the majority of innovative leaders
are readers or experimenters or doers in their subject
matter of choice and interest.

You will discover what the true secret of innovative
leadership is: innovators have a passion, commitment and
loyalty for pursuing and being excellence. In a word,
innovative leaders will put substance above style everytime.

Copyright © 2006, Mustard Seed Investments Inc.
All rights reserved.

About the Author: Bill Thomas energizes your innovative leadership & innovations via Imagination Age methods - his books, software & training programs empower business skills & processes, improve strategic advantages, produce tangible value & deliver powerful results! See how his Executive Briefings, Management Handbooks, Professional Guides & Innovation Workshops:
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วันพุธที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Thomas D. Hinton - Universal Laws, Concepts and Styles for Sound Decision-Making

Thomas D. Hinton - Universal Laws, Concepts and Styles for Sound Decision-Making- This is Module 2 of the instructional program "Managing as a Leader: Decision-Making with Mind and Heart" created/copyrighted by Miguel A. Cardenas as part of the ITC Annual Series entitled "Strategies for Competitive Performance". itc_050803_E_hp2.wmv


วันจันทร์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Motivation at Work - how to increase workplace motivation

www.globalchange.com Motivation at work. People don't get passionate about shareholder value or business profits or excel spreadsheets. They get passionate and motivated about challenge, great teams, vision, important goals, having fun, about family and friends, about the community and world they live in. How to make things happen in Business. Connect with passion, keys to motivation, leadership and change management in business. Managing uncertainty with rapid change. Leadership styles. Why people get out of bed in the morning. How to motivate teams at work to do great things. Business management. Secret of leadership and ultimate leadership speech. Business ethics and values in corporations. Secrets of business success and increased productivity. Cutting costs. Increasing output. Adding shareholder value. Sustainable business success. Work life balance and lessons from non profits volunteering. Why building a better world is such a powerful motivation. Lecture by Dr Patrick Dixon for MTN, author of Building a Better Business, Futurewise and conference speaker.Motivation at work. Leadership. Leadership purpose, aims, strategy and objectives. Profits and profitability. Motivation to succeed and secrets of business success. Productivity and efficiency key. Workplace morale. Team dynamics and leadership styles. Business mission and vision. Business values and office culture. Connect with passion and you will motivate teams to change organisation, business and world. Work ...


วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Charismatic & Democratic Leadership Style on i news Hyderabad by Syed Rafi

Syed Rafi Corporate Trainer from Hyderabad discussing various Leadership Styles on I News Channel. More details about Syed Rafi can be found at http//www.atcs.in


วันศุกร์ที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

A leader is... (Kinetic Typography)

Kinetic Typography; First project I worked on in After Effects


วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 25 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Leadership style and logical levels of influence and change

When seeking to get more creativity and innovation into an organization, it is important to have an understanding of the different levels of influence and at what level you are operating. The language that people use and the emphasis that they put on certain words reflect these different levels.

The emphasis on different parts of a sentence can cover all different logical levels: Identity, Belief, Capacity, Behaviour and Environment. It is often important to identify and separate at which level you wish to communicate with someone.

Creative a vision of the future

Giving people a sense of purpose in what they and the organization are doing.

Linking individuals thought that vision to their environment, releasing energy and enthusiasm.

Creating a successful organization through path finding and culture building.

Path finding the way to a successful future.

Culture building-drawing people into a purposeful organization and building commitment.

Linking individuals to the organization.
Managing tasks-directing people in the accomplishment of specific tasks.
Managing relationship creating an efficient working atmosphere.
Obtaining willing cooperation in getting the job done by adjusting one's leadership style-balancing task and relationship behaviour.

Leadership skills are considering as these types: Self-skills, Relational skills, Strategic thinking skills and Systemic thinking skills.
There are some experience in life:

1. Choose an area of your life that you would like to explore, where you would like to be more creative.

2.Walk through the logical level step by step in the present state.

3.Now,step away from the tiles and take a look at what you have discovered.

4.Assign the label role identity to this right place.

rajan kumar

วันพุธที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

mission command.mov

Short website introducing the concept of mission command to help businesses innovate and improve leadership and management styles to improve team efficiency and increase revenues.


วันอังคารที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

What is leadership?

A short viral-style video I created for school. Thanks for all the submissions!


วันอาทิตย์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Leadership Lessons From President Obama

In our examinations of various leadership styles and leadership qualities, none could possibly be more apt than Barack Obama as a case study. His refreshing ideology and brilliant execution certainly bestows us with many leadership lessons to draw from.

Who is He?

Barack Hussein Obama II is the 44th President of the United States. As an African American born in Hawaii, Obama took interest in being a community organiser in a low income neighbourhood, and served as a church based community organiser before studying Law at Harvard Law School. He was eventually sworn in as senator of Illinois in 2004 and inaugurated as the President of the United States in 2009. He was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples".

Leadership Style

Among the most apparent style of leadership that can be seen from President Obama is its transformational nature. Being highly charismatic and exceedingly eloquent, President Obama is easily able to influence the people he lead to work towards a common goal and achieve something larger than themselves. His persuasive and diplomatic style contrasts starkly with the more aggressive and confrontational measure of his predecessor President Bush, and it would definitely play an important role in forging international cooperation and inspiring action at home.

As much as it is ideological, President Obama's leadership is also highly pragmatic, focusing on concrete issues such as non-insurance of healthcare and relationship with the Muslim world. This leadership trait is integral in his success in translating his noble ideas into reality.

President Obama's leadership is also characterised by strong communication with the citizens of America and the people of the world. In this new world of information and knowledge, President Obama is able to capitalise on the media to communicate his views and messages to the American citizens. This fact is evident from his presence in talk shows. Being at the top of the any large organisation, it is crucial that messages and ideas get translated clearly right down to the last man so as to ensure congruency in intent. In this aspect, Obama has excelled in his keeping the people he governs in the know.

Leadership Qualities

Being one of a kind, President Obama epitomises several leadership qualities and these can be valuable leadership lessons to take away.

Foremost, he listens. One would think that for such an outstanding orator, speaking well would be his key tool to influence and gain consensus. However, we must realise that communication starts with listening, and President Obama proves to be as good at listening as he is at speaking. As he proves to the world that he, along with the United States is finally willing to listen, the flame is reignited for further relationships to be forged and diplomacy to take place. When asked by a German reporter about his designs for the NATO in 2009, he humbly replied, "I don't come bearing grand designs, I'm here to listen, to share ideas and to jointly, as one of many NATO allies, help shape our vision for the future."

This leads to the second quality of empathy. The ability to put himself in the shoes of others so naturally allows President Obama to be able to feel for his people, and this helped shape many of his policies, such as his healthcare reform. The president once said, "The world doesn't just revolve around you." This highlights his strong belief that one need to learn to see things through the eyes of others. As leaders, it is pertinent to be able to see issues via the eyes of those we work with in order to understand their concerns. The ability to do so would certainly allow us to become a more understanding and empathetic leader.

President Obama also scores well in terms of being able to delegate tasks to more capable hands, and concerns himself more wit the direction setting and visioning of the nation. In higher management, delegation is a crucial skill to master in order to be effective. It allows us to focus on what we are paid to do, that is to LEAD and MANAGE our team, rather than to micromanage and be take on the jobs of our whole team.

President Obama's frankness is also another key that sets him apart from countless other politicians. By communicating his goal honestly and clearly, listeners are able to sense his sincerity and will tend to trust him more. This is opposed to many others who choose not to come clean regarding certain ulterior motives, apparent as they may be, and this only mean that listeners are less willing to trust them wholeheartedly.

The last and certainly not the least of his qualities is his willingness to make tough decisions. Despite preaching cooperation and mutual agreement, President Obama is aware that gaining a majority of consensus is not possible and economic, and tough calls may have to be made at times. Right or wrong, it is more important to make a decision and take action, rather than to delay and shriek the responsibility to successors.

President Obama's leadership style is certainly a fresh beginning for further realignment of the United States in terms of political, economic and social aspects. For aspiring leaders, his leadership qualities can be likened to valuable gems that we can model from, adapt, and use as our own, allowing us to take ourselves to greater heights.

Lucas Lin is a renowned expert in the field of leadership and management. Having held leadership positions ranging from management executive to operations manager, Lucas is in the prime position to offer advice on leadership and consulting services to leaders across the hierarchy. His years of experience in leadership render his advice highly sought after. Having served in leadership positions in various organisations, including a country club, a school and the military among others, Lucas developed an intimate knowledge of value-based leadership, which can be applied to all vocations.

Visit Lucas Lin for Timeless Leadership Lessons at http://leadership-lessons.com

วันเสาร์ที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Leadership and Project Management

The topic of leadership is a lengthy subject, ranging from academic research to published works and articles. The discussion of leadership can be found in Greek and Roman texts, as well as works in the new millennia. In the project management field, however, leadership has been a sleeping giant, which is just emerging as a topic of research and publication.

Project management material in the 20th century consisted of work investigating the mechanics of the process of managing a temporary endeavor. The items of concern were: (1) cost, (2) schedule, and (3) resources. Later work recognized the need to incorporate deliverables, or scope into the project equation. The author finds these items to be the "hard" aspects of managing a project, subject to analysis, with a spreadsheet or other computer software package.

Effective administration of these project factors is not enough to guarantee success. Project managers need to be skilled in "soft" areas, such as change management, emotional intelligence, and leadership. The leader needs to have experience as a project manager, and to recognize how the needs of the project change over the life of the effort.

Leader behaviors will consist of a task or relationship focus. Task focused leaders will keep an eye on the mechanics of the project, and seek to drive their team toward achieving a project that has positive schedule, budget and deliverable outcomes. Relationship leaders seek to achieve team harmony through consensus building, and to communicate with their external stakeholders, such as the project sponsor and executive committee.

The successful leader recognizes how their style-orientation will change over the life of the project. During the early phases of the work, the leader will score high on relationship factors, as the need to sell, tell and motivate others is paramount. In the middle part of the project, the leader will concentrate on task factors, such as monitoring cost, schedule, resource and deliverables. At the final third of the project, the leadership style will oscillate between both that task and relationship leader behaviors, as the need to monitor the project continues in its importance and the added need of obtaining additional assistance during project completion and closeout occurs.

Rodger has over 20 years of experience in Military Aviation, Manufacturing, Medical and Education Sectors. He is experienced in all phases of software development, deployment, maintenance and support. He has international experience on software systems that have been used worldwide. He is a skilled modeler, and is adept at Business Process Reengineering (BPR) techniques.

With over 18 years of experience in program and project management, he has managed diverse teams in multi-million dollar efforts creating mission-critical applications running 24x7. A Program Manager for a Fortune 100 organization, he has also assisted non-profit organizations in developing and implementing strategic plans.

Currently he teaches at a four year institution and consults to industry. He is a Principal Consultant at Contemporary Consultants specializing in Business and Technology Management consulting. He is a PhD student planning to research project success factors for his dissertation.

วันศุกร์ที่ 19 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

The Coaching Leadership Style

Imagine this scenario. You go to your manager or supervisor at work because you have a problem. This is no ordinary day-to-day sort of problem. You go there for his or her help because it's perplexing. You get one of two responses. The first is a 'pat' response suggesting a course of action and so you leave very quickly with 'the answer'; the second response is a querying interaction where your supervisor listens to understand then asks some thought-provoking, challenging, probing questions. You leave challenged even perhaps a little uncomfortable.

Given the choice, how would you rather be led in the workplace? To be told what to do as per the first response or to be asked what we should do as per the second? The coaching leadership style is characterised by the second method of asking and is much more akin to contemporary leadership. The former method is a more directive style, and is not favoured for a bunch of reasons, mainly because it is a form of telling.

Coaching: Problem Solver or Merely Helper?

The coaching style of leadership helps people solve their own problems through astute and targeted questions, driving them to push themselves regarding 1) motivation, and 2) direction as most problems emanate from poor prioritisation, lethargy or procrastination, or from a lack of insight or creativity.

Telling Usually Doesn't Work

It's quite often linked with simplistic answers to complex problems. Most mature adults (and younger people for that matter) appreciate a more affiliative or collaborative approach. The very nature of coaching is asking more and more targeted questions the longer the interaction goes; the coach must therefore achieve understanding before he or she can help the person being coached.

Coaching Challenges Sensitive Issues In Safer Ways

For the leader who coaches there are less issues of courage required. Sure, the questions we might ask might perhaps skate the thin ice and probe issues that are difficult to discuss, but whilst we have a questioning mindset and approach the employee can't really feel intruded upon. Therefore, sensitive issues can be approached from a position of relative safety.

A Threat With The More Directive Style Of Leadership

One of the threats with direct leadership is the response we get if we give an untenable answer; consider that it is easy to get it wrong if we don't understand the core issues. We won't have helped the person who came to us; they could leave even more frustrated.

The coaching leadership style is perhaps best for the fact that it assists without taking any of the ownership of the problem. There's no better outcome in leadership than for the subordinate to come up with their own answers. That's an inspiring outcome. They will love us for it!

Think about this. How many genuine coaching styled leaders have you seen? And how good are your coaching/questioning skills? Remember that in some respects, skill equals application. What we use we develop.

Copyright © 2008, S. J. Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Steve Wickham is a safety and health professional (BSc) and a qualified lay Christian minister (GradDipDiv). He is also has training and leadership Diplomas. His key passion is work / life balance and re-creating value for living, and an exploration of the person within us.

วันพุธที่ 17 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Types of Leaderships - Discussion by Syed Rafi from Hyderabad

Syed Rafi Corporate Trainer from Hyderabad discussing various Leadership Styles on I News Channel. More details about Syed Rafi can be found at http//www.atcs.in


วันเสาร์ที่ 23 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Leadership Exercises - Leadership Team Building Exercises

This can be achieved by discussions and feedback. Once you get a clear idea of leadership you can work towards building a good leadership. Try to put what are your conceptions about leadership and then agree on a working definition.

Since there are various leadership styles, you can discuss advantages and disadvantages of these styles. This can help you gain a better understanding of when to use a particular style.

This discussion should include how the group reacts to particular styles of leadership. This discussion should guide you to infer that flexibility is necessary while using these styles of leadership.

The motivating exercises help you gain an insight in the situations and practices that motivates group members. Another activity that can be practiced is to see what effects are observed on the group when a new leader takes over.

What are the problems of the leader who takes charge of the group? What should be the approach towards a new joiner in a group is also an exercise. What should be a leader's attitude towards him is also an important factor of leadership.

Change implementation exercise helps you understand how the members of group behave if certain restructuring is done. One can learn about strategies regarding the problems that arise from such restructuring.

Clarifying objectives of the task has been the key to success. In this activity you ask someone to note down proceeding of exercise where you clarify the objectives of the task to be done.

The feedback given by the person who notes the proceeding helps a lot to understand the benefits of clarifying objectives to group.

Clear communication exercises involve accomplishing something which is bound to fail if you do not communicate properly. This activity decides where you stand with respect to your communication skills.

The mapping leadership skill is an exercise to check how well you manage to succeed with given resources. The activity is so designed that good management of resources is needed for success. This assesses the how you can map you leadership skills.

Exercises designed for creative leadership is most rewarding. In these activities, a group leader has to guide the group for successful outcome. The observers then provide feedback which is priceless. This gives you an idea where you fall short while leading a group.

The delegating and monitoring is the soul of leadership. This activity hinges on successful monitoring, organization and delegation of tasks.

This team timed, exercise helps you to learn how a task can be completed within given time limit. On the other hand speed delegation activity checks how efficiently you can work against the clock.

There are more tasks to be completed with a fewer resources. The key is to plan your resources in such way that the task is completed within time.

In the routes to solution exercise, the teammates have bits of information and the leader has to link those bits and organize activity to achieve the goal.

Viewing the option activity hone your skills to use schedule the activities effectively. The budget for success exercise can be helpful to plan your activities within budget.

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วันพุธที่ 20 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

What is Your Leadership Style?

The two types of management and leadership styles are task-oriented and employee-oriented. The task-oriented style of management is a unique one. As a task-oriented manager, the person maintains close supervision over the employees to ensure that the task gets done to his satisfaction. He not only has a unique style, but he is also considered as the "middle man" and his job is to appease his organization, and the clients. The other style of leadership is the employee-oriented. The employee-oriented manager is involved in motivating the employees rather than in controlling them.

Most people that work in management roles' find themselves planning, organizing, leading and controlling on a daily basis. They find that most of their time is spent on problem solving involving issues on personnel conflicts and other matters. To match the right style with the right people allows the office to run much more easily and more efficiently.

It is difficult to decide what makes a superior leader because of the different styles of leadership. The style of leadership best suited for a particular leader depends upon the informal and formal group that he or she is trying to influence. The important thing is that the organization's goals are jointly established, agreed upon and met in a timely manner.

How do you decide which style of leadership and management is best for you? A manager should use the style of leadership that works best for the organization's goals and for his people. When this is done, he may find that there are fewer problems with the team and a decline in the number of turnover. Managers who have a good relationship with the employees are more likely to succeed, as companies strive to bring the best possible style of leadership in the workplace.

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วันอังคารที่ 12 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Leadership - Ability to Be Effective

The situational leadership emphasizes, among other things, the importance of the diagnostic ability of the leader to influence people, or its ability to be effective.
 But even with good diagnostic skills, leaders will not be effective unless they know how to adapt their style of leadership to the demands. The leader must have the flexibility and skills to change his behavior when necessary.  
The issue of an effective diagnosis and  ability to be an effective leader are successful  applying the theory of situational leadership.  
  The style of leadership developed by the leader himself needs time to be achieved and depends on its experience and training.
There are  four internal forces to influence the style of leadership:  
- The  values:  The leader understands how  is the way required for  participating  in the official decisions and his understanding about what is important for a  employee to take responsibility for the decision itself;  
- Confidence in officials: To put the decision in the hands of its officials and have their confidence about the results of the outcomes
 - Aptitude for leadership:   the leader,  may have a predominant style  who likes to work in groups  and letting the employee to take decisions which he considers as the most suitable; 
 - Sense of security in uncertain situations: it has great impact on the willingness of the manager to assign to others the control of decision making.    
  The behavior in a relationship is the way by which the leader   communicates efficiently.  The information exchange becomes from a relationship based on the support and encouragement. The leader must listen to what people have to say.
 Defining the style of leadership to be adopted, there are four items:
-  Determination: directly used for those with low maturity. This profile is characteristic of people who have neither ability nor desire to take responsibility for completion of tasks. This can be caused by insecurity to the task. The person presenting this type of maturity must be supervised.
-  Persuading: set to maturity among people with low and moderate, who is unable to perform the task, but are available to take responsibility, is a person who trusts you.
-  Sharing: Here the leader is capable, but its decision is diminished by its lack of security in itself when necessary take responsibility. The consequence is that the leader should focus on the behavior of relationships, maintaining open communication to create a motivating environment.
- Delegate:  The leader gives the direction in small doses, and is also a small doses of support.
Synthesizing the styles of leadership:  
Style 1: The leader directs its staff. The leader provides specific instructions and closely supervises the performance of tasks.  
Style 2: The leader trains before. The leader continues to direct and supervise closely the performance of tasks, but also explains decisions and encourages the development.  
Style 3: The leader supports the decisions. The leader facilitates and supports the efforts of officials to perform tasks and share with them the decision making.  
Style 4: The leader delegates tasks to the employees. The leader moves the responsibility of decision making and the solution of problems to officials.    
The concept of maturity in situational leadership can be defined as the stage of growth where the human being has the capacity and willingness to make their attitudes, directs his own behavior and is able to take responsibility.

The human being can move forward or backwards depending on some moments of stimulus, influencing both at work and outside   all the time. A stimulus can be more clearly perceived in the opportunity to perform a new task.

Everything depends on the degree of stimulus to achieve than what is proposed. To find a solution to a question of inefficiency, the criterion can be adopted for monitoring the task manager so that he transmit the necessary knowledge and make the employee more secure by the stimulus given.
Psychological Maturity 
 The concept defined   on psychological maturity is described by the capacity and motivation to perform a task. If the leader provides favorable conditions, the employee will be well conducted to the right way.   Psychological maturity is the ability to trust, be motivated, to be prepared to perform a task.  This occurs when the individual matures with time.  The age of the individual is a considerable factor, but not decisive factor to  notice the mature psychological development.
  For a work to be done cannot simply examine the psychological maturity alone: you must examine the entire context of the task that will be developed and the variables to be done.  
Development means growth in components and in our particular world.  The influence of individuals and events   occurs in everyday life, affecting the growth of personality. This growth takes place not only for new elements, but on elements that enrich existing ones. This is called the process of ripening.
 The leader who is concerned with the particular growth, therefore, is able to provide greater maturity of its leadership. He should think of developing the various components of personality, so that there can be a global development, which includes, therefore, the conditions of working where he acts.  
Maturity for Work  
It is considered   the capacity   to perform a task involving their expertise. People with high maturity perform their functions without the need for aid, in contrast, people with low maturity need to work very technical direction to develop the required
The maturity to the work relates to how to develop the task. It can improve with training.    The knowledge and technical expertise are the two requirements to achieve the maturity to work. When someone has high maturity,  can achieve its objective.   
 According to the situational leadership are the three stages: 
1) Determine (low maturity),  
2) Persuade (maturity moderately low), and  
3) Share (maturity moderately high).  
The maturity to the work is described by the technical ability, knowledge of the task to be performed.
 If the leader provides favorable conditions, it is well directed.  The maturity to work relates to the confidence in themselves and to the commitment associated with the technical capacity developed by the employee, or to have a high level of maturity is necessary to have the overview of the context in which the employee is inserted, analyzing their psychological maturity and work.
This concept shows that the more the leader directs the conduct of relations and technical,   the greater the motivation, gaining of confidence and thus, maturing, producing positive effects for the manager and the enterprise.    



วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Leadership Styles and Types - Overview of Skills

Leadership style is crucial to success. We find leadership all around us. Each of us will fill the role ourselves at various times in our lives. Leadership can be found in the world of business, sports, politics, religion and as close as home. Leaders must respond to the rapidly changing world and meet the challenges it demands. There are different types of leaders and you will most likely encounter many over the course of time.

Understanding different leadership styles and their impact will help you become a more effective leader.

In 1939 famed psychologist Kurt Lewin identified classic styles of leadership. These three styles are well established though more specific types have been identified since. Leaders should not be confused with managers. Leaders are always managers but the reverse is not necessarily the case. Good leaders will use the style or a combination of styles that best fits the situation.


This is an authoritarian form of leadership where one person makes the decisions. The expectations are clear. Lewin and his colleagues found this form of leadership caused the most discontent. Used rarely but can be appropriate to complete routine or unskilled tasks.

  • What needs to be accomplished, as well as, how and when, are the sole responsibility of the leader.

  • Allows for quick decisions when time is crucial.

  • This is a less creative approach. A "Do what you are told" Obedient and strict form of control.

  • Use when a group or member doesn't have knowledge of the practice or procedure.

  • The autocratic style works best when there is no need for input. Input will not change the decision or outcome.


Democratic leadership is participatory and often most effective. Employees and team members feel in control of their own destiny when they are included in the decision-making process that leads to greater satisfaction and a feeling of appreciation. Although the leader may have the final say.

  • The leader acts as a guide. Accepts input and seeks ideas and suggestions through discussion.

  • Even though the leader may have the final say the team contributes to the process.

  • Democratic style can be problematic when the final decision is hampered by a wide range of opinion.

  • People are more committed when involved in the process of making decisions. They have a personal stake in the outcome.

  • This style is mutually beneficial and helps improve people skills.

Delegative/Free Rein:

As a leader it is not possible to do everything yourself. A leader must prioritize and delegate tasks and decisions while still taking ultimate responsibility.

  • Minimal in direction.

  • Allows decision-making by the team.

  • Works well when the team or a member is more knowledgeable about the subject.

  • This style works best with highly motivated and well trained people.

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วันพุธที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Leadership Styles

As Napoleon Bonaparte had once expressed, 'a leader is a dealer of hopes'. The essence of leadership is the ability to have great analytical skills. A leader is necessarily is a great visionary. A good leader has the ability to choose the best people to accomplish difficult tasks and he also has the patience to guide his subordinates.

There are various approaches that can prove to be very helpful to achieve the goals by motivating people and implementing your plans. These various approaches are different styles of leadership. If you blend all these styles as per your needs you can emerge as a good leader.

The authoritarian or autocratic style of leadership is characterized by what is usually called as 'bossing the people around.' Without paying any heed to the advice given by the followers if you are pushing your way through then it is an example of authoritarian or autocratic leadership.

Authoritative style of leadership is quite helpful if you have all the necessary information or if you are running short of time. At such time one needs to delegate the task authoritatively. This style is not to be confused with the idea of yelling and threatening your followers with your power. It is certainly a malpractice to use your power and authority to abuse the team members.

This kind of leadership style should be used on rare occasions and that too with great care. You tend to loose your demeanor while applying this type of leadership.

The second and the most popular style of leadership is participative or democratic. As the name suggests this style of thinking allows the followers in the team to participate in decision making.

This style allows the participant to decide what to do and how it should be done. The decision making of course is done by the leader. Using this style of leadership is not at a sign of weakness but a strength.

This leadership style should be preferred when you do not have all the information needed to decide a plan. Your colleagues having the desired information can help you decide the best possible plan.

This style of leadership has twofold benefits it allows you work closely with your followers and at the same time helps maintain an amicable relationship with them.

This partial freedom is given in delegatory or free reign style of leadership. As a leader is unable to reach everywhere at all times this type of leadership becomes quite essential in some situations.

This style in no way allows you to blame your team for failure of a job. This style is to be used only when you have full confidence in your followers. Use it sparingly and wisely.

A good leader is one who uses all these styles with dexterity as situation demands.

While deciding which style should be applied a good leader takes into consideration points like how much time is on hand, the internal conflicts in group, the stress level, the type of work to be accomplished, how well informed the co-workers are and how much trust can be put into them.

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วันอังคารที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Situational Leadership as the Key to Effectively Managing People

For over 25 years, major corporations and organizations throughout the world have used the concepts of Situational Leadership to improve the effectiveness of their managers. Dr. Heresy and Dr. Blanshard at Ohio State University to provide managers with a practical and simple approach to achieve the best results from their people developed one of the most outstanding leadership models.

There are many ways you can be an effective leader - there is no single "school solution" to the management process.

Real leadership means managing people fairly for mutually rewarding and productive purposes and has nothing to do with manipulation - taking unfair advantage of or influencing others for self-interest, or making people feel uncomfortable.

Motivating and controlling people toward accomplishment of planned objectives requires 3 important skills:

- understanding past behavior

- predicting future behavior

- directing, changing and controlling behavior.

Research studies indicate that effective leaders can be engaged in different types of behavior: task behavior relationship behavior.
Task behavior provides guidance and direction - the leader clearly spells out duties and responsibilities to an individual or group about everything.

Relationship behavior emphasizes two-way communication with followers and exchanging information with them. This type tends to be more nonverbal than task behavior.Synonyms for relationship behavior are supporting, facilitating, and encouraging.

Some good leaders manage to combine both types of behavior in their work, though all of them have different leadership styles.

Leadership style is defined as the leader's patterns of behavior - including both words and actions as perceived by others.

There are 4 leadership styles:

- High task, low relationship behavior (the leader provides specific instructions and supervises followers closely, sometimes it's called "telling")

- High task, high relationship behavior (the leader explains decisions and provides followers with opportunities for clarification - "selling")

- High relationship, low task behavior (the leader shares ideas with followers and facilitates decision making - "participating")

- Low relationship, high task behavior (the leader turns over responsibility for decisions and implementation to followers - "delegating")

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วันเสาร์ที่ 11 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

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วันศุกร์ที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Transformational Transactional Leadership

At first glance, transformational and transactional leadership are antagonistic with each other. After all, transactional leadership tends to disregard charisma and the feelings of subordinate in favor of keeping deadlines and making sure that quotas are reached! Transformational leadership on the other hand, tends to put a premium on charisma, motivation and the relationship between leaders and subordinates.

What if there was a way to bring the two styles of leadership together?

The strength of transactional leadership is a commitment to tasks. The leader is also a good manager. Subordinates are always reminded about their tasks, the expectations from them and the consequences of achieving of missing the agreed upon goals. This kind of task-oriented leadership tends to be a bit harsh though, depending on the leader at the helm. When targets are missed and supplies are lagging behind, it is very easy for a leader to lash out and forget about the welfare of the people.

Transformational leadership, on the other hand, tends to put a premium on relationships and on the people working within the organization. The leader, usually, is beloved by the subordinates because he is popular, he is admired, and the followers feel that the leader truly cares about their plight-in the workplace and in their personal lives. But taken to the extreme, this kind of leadership can fall apart because of too much understanding and consideration for the followers.

A good balance then is the transformational transactional leadership where the leader cares for the followers and for the targets and outputs that they are supposed to deliver. In this case, there is a balance between task orientation and people orientation.

Another important question, however, is this: how do you work for the right balance between charisma and productivity?

If you go overboard with charisma, the followers will love you. They might even consider you as their buddy and a good friend in the workplace. But if you start becoming too familiar with them, the professional barriers might erode and you will have a difficult time demanding productivity from them.

Too much charisma is not good. That is why balance is very much needed. As a leader, you should know your followers enough to know what will work for them. In the process, you should also be careful lest they manipulate you into relaxing your demands for better productivity from them.

Does your organization favor transactional or transformational leadership? That would certainly impact your organizational culture and your performance.

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วันพุธที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Recognizing Leadership Potential

One of the most unavoidable requirements of being a leader is to identify and recognize leadership potential in other people. This process would be simple if the men and women that are destined to become leaders were prepackaged and labeled Leadership Ability Guaranteed. There is no such thing as a born leader. We all arrive on this earth with the same amount of potential. It is what happens to us during life and how we handle it that determines our level of leadership abilities.

Every person carries within them, the ability to lead. The seed of greatness has been carefully planted deep down inside us. So what is it that causes that seed to germinate? What makes it grow? More important, what makes it multiply and reproduce? What is it we, as established leaders, need, in order for us to find and stimulate someone else to pick up the baton of leadership and run?

In order to identify leadership potential in people, we must possess a huge amount of commitment, diligence, patience, desire, and focus. We must be able to look at the individual, identify their gifts, their attitudes, their dreams, their goals, and their past success as well as their past failures. Only by understanding these, can we get deep enough inside the person to locate that leadership seed and expose its potential.

Once we find this seed, it becomes our responsibility to fertilize it with care, understanding, and encouragement. We are required to nurture it and provide it with an opportunity to grow, blossom and reproduce. Much like a garden needs protection from severe weather, insects, and weeds; the potential leader needs protection from discouragement, rejection, and mediocrity. Nothing stunts leadership potential faster than association with mediocrity.

Helping someone become a leader is more than just providing them with information and helping develop their skills. We must instill in people a sense of value; their value as a potential leader. We must encourage them in times of challenge and respond to them in times of need.

No matter what, we must recognize that people will buy into, and believe in us, before they buy into their own ability to lead. We must be the example in not only what we teach, but what we actually do. Mentoring is just as much modeling as it is teaching. We must make sure we model what we teach.

Bill Bergfeld is a professional Network Marketer and owner of multiple businesses. His passion is leadership; his current online project involves aging and methods of reversing its affects. He can be reached using bill@billbergfeld.com

วันพุธที่ 28 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

วันจันทร์ที่ 15 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Effective Leadership - Style Really Does Matter

As an executive coach, I have found that style really does matter. Leadership style, that is.

Many people go through life with an attitude that says, "This is the way I am - take it or leave it." As a leader, you don't have that option. When confronted with diverse situations in the work environment, you will often need to respond with very different leadership styles. Some will be comfortable and natural to you, and some will make you stretch.

Take the situation one of my clients found himself in:

My client was CEO of a mid-size corporation. His natural flair was to work with his staff in a very collaborative fashion. In fact, he believed that it was important not only to collaborate with his staff, but to have consensus from them on all major decisions. In most cases, this worked well. But the day came when the company needed to implement a new operational structure. A massive change was essential. The CEO attempted to collaborate and get a consensus from all the members on his leadership team ... but three months later, they were still arguing about what to do and how to do it. Friction and hostility had crept into the previously united team. The CEO was at his wit's end. He called me in.

The problem? His leadership team was not ready to assume the responsibilities he was placing on them. They didn't have the experience and skills that were necessary to collaborate effectively and implement a solid plan of action.

The solution? The CEO had to change his leadership style from collaborative to decisive. He himself had to define what the new operational structure of the business was going to look like, and drive the change forward. Within one month of his asserting this higher level of control, the new structure was in place and functioning smoothly, and the transition had been completely seamless to the company's customers.

Will he always have to stay in this decisive role? By no means. As his leadership team continues to grow and develop, the collaborative approach that is natural to him will become more and more appropriate and effective. But he has learned a valuable lesson - and one that he will benefit from again and again: Great leadership isn't a matter of finding a "perfect style" and sticking to it through thick and thin. It's about knowing the perfect style for the situation you're currently in and using it well.

© 2008 Timothy I. Thomas

You have my permission to reprint and distribute this article as long as it is distributed in its entirety, including all links and copyright information. This article is not to be sold or included with anything that is sold.

Timothy I. Thomas is the President of Makarios Consulting (http://www.MakariosConsulting.com), a leadership development firm that specializes in empowering leaders to maximize their leadership skills and inspire others to accomplish extraordinary results. Timothy Thomas is the author of "Creating All-Star Performers: The Power of Effective Feedback," now available for immediate download at http://www.makariosconsulting.com/mc/eBooks_allStars.html