วันเสาร์ที่ 23 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Leadership Exercises - Leadership Team Building Exercises

This can be achieved by discussions and feedback. Once you get a clear idea of leadership you can work towards building a good leadership. Try to put what are your conceptions about leadership and then agree on a working definition.

Since there are various leadership styles, you can discuss advantages and disadvantages of these styles. This can help you gain a better understanding of when to use a particular style.

This discussion should include how the group reacts to particular styles of leadership. This discussion should guide you to infer that flexibility is necessary while using these styles of leadership.

The motivating exercises help you gain an insight in the situations and practices that motivates group members. Another activity that can be practiced is to see what effects are observed on the group when a new leader takes over.

What are the problems of the leader who takes charge of the group? What should be the approach towards a new joiner in a group is also an exercise. What should be a leader's attitude towards him is also an important factor of leadership.

Change implementation exercise helps you understand how the members of group behave if certain restructuring is done. One can learn about strategies regarding the problems that arise from such restructuring.

Clarifying objectives of the task has been the key to success. In this activity you ask someone to note down proceeding of exercise where you clarify the objectives of the task to be done.

The feedback given by the person who notes the proceeding helps a lot to understand the benefits of clarifying objectives to group.

Clear communication exercises involve accomplishing something which is bound to fail if you do not communicate properly. This activity decides where you stand with respect to your communication skills.

The mapping leadership skill is an exercise to check how well you manage to succeed with given resources. The activity is so designed that good management of resources is needed for success. This assesses the how you can map you leadership skills.

Exercises designed for creative leadership is most rewarding. In these activities, a group leader has to guide the group for successful outcome. The observers then provide feedback which is priceless. This gives you an idea where you fall short while leading a group.

The delegating and monitoring is the soul of leadership. This activity hinges on successful monitoring, organization and delegation of tasks.

This team timed, exercise helps you to learn how a task can be completed within given time limit. On the other hand speed delegation activity checks how efficiently you can work against the clock.

There are more tasks to be completed with a fewer resources. The key is to plan your resources in such way that the task is completed within time.

In the routes to solution exercise, the teammates have bits of information and the leader has to link those bits and organize activity to achieve the goal.

Viewing the option activity hone your skills to use schedule the activities effectively. The budget for success exercise can be helpful to plan your activities within budget.

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วันพุธที่ 20 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

What is Your Leadership Style?

The two types of management and leadership styles are task-oriented and employee-oriented. The task-oriented style of management is a unique one. As a task-oriented manager, the person maintains close supervision over the employees to ensure that the task gets done to his satisfaction. He not only has a unique style, but he is also considered as the "middle man" and his job is to appease his organization, and the clients. The other style of leadership is the employee-oriented. The employee-oriented manager is involved in motivating the employees rather than in controlling them.

Most people that work in management roles' find themselves planning, organizing, leading and controlling on a daily basis. They find that most of their time is spent on problem solving involving issues on personnel conflicts and other matters. To match the right style with the right people allows the office to run much more easily and more efficiently.

It is difficult to decide what makes a superior leader because of the different styles of leadership. The style of leadership best suited for a particular leader depends upon the informal and formal group that he or she is trying to influence. The important thing is that the organization's goals are jointly established, agreed upon and met in a timely manner.

How do you decide which style of leadership and management is best for you? A manager should use the style of leadership that works best for the organization's goals and for his people. When this is done, he may find that there are fewer problems with the team and a decline in the number of turnover. Managers who have a good relationship with the employees are more likely to succeed, as companies strive to bring the best possible style of leadership in the workplace.

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วันอังคารที่ 12 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Leadership - Ability to Be Effective

The situational leadership emphasizes, among other things, the importance of the diagnostic ability of the leader to influence people, or its ability to be effective.
 But even with good diagnostic skills, leaders will not be effective unless they know how to adapt their style of leadership to the demands. The leader must have the flexibility and skills to change his behavior when necessary.  
The issue of an effective diagnosis and  ability to be an effective leader are successful  applying the theory of situational leadership.  
  The style of leadership developed by the leader himself needs time to be achieved and depends on its experience and training.
There are  four internal forces to influence the style of leadership:  
- The  values:  The leader understands how  is the way required for  participating  in the official decisions and his understanding about what is important for a  employee to take responsibility for the decision itself;  
- Confidence in officials: To put the decision in the hands of its officials and have their confidence about the results of the outcomes
 - Aptitude for leadership:   the leader,  may have a predominant style  who likes to work in groups  and letting the employee to take decisions which he considers as the most suitable; 
 - Sense of security in uncertain situations: it has great impact on the willingness of the manager to assign to others the control of decision making.    
  The behavior in a relationship is the way by which the leader   communicates efficiently.  The information exchange becomes from a relationship based on the support and encouragement. The leader must listen to what people have to say.
 Defining the style of leadership to be adopted, there are four items:
-  Determination: directly used for those with low maturity. This profile is characteristic of people who have neither ability nor desire to take responsibility for completion of tasks. This can be caused by insecurity to the task. The person presenting this type of maturity must be supervised.
-  Persuading: set to maturity among people with low and moderate, who is unable to perform the task, but are available to take responsibility, is a person who trusts you.
-  Sharing: Here the leader is capable, but its decision is diminished by its lack of security in itself when necessary take responsibility. The consequence is that the leader should focus on the behavior of relationships, maintaining open communication to create a motivating environment.
- Delegate:  The leader gives the direction in small doses, and is also a small doses of support.
Synthesizing the styles of leadership:  
Style 1: The leader directs its staff. The leader provides specific instructions and closely supervises the performance of tasks.  
Style 2: The leader trains before. The leader continues to direct and supervise closely the performance of tasks, but also explains decisions and encourages the development.  
Style 3: The leader supports the decisions. The leader facilitates and supports the efforts of officials to perform tasks and share with them the decision making.  
Style 4: The leader delegates tasks to the employees. The leader moves the responsibility of decision making and the solution of problems to officials.    
The concept of maturity in situational leadership can be defined as the stage of growth where the human being has the capacity and willingness to make their attitudes, directs his own behavior and is able to take responsibility.

The human being can move forward or backwards depending on some moments of stimulus, influencing both at work and outside   all the time. A stimulus can be more clearly perceived in the opportunity to perform a new task.

Everything depends on the degree of stimulus to achieve than what is proposed. To find a solution to a question of inefficiency, the criterion can be adopted for monitoring the task manager so that he transmit the necessary knowledge and make the employee more secure by the stimulus given.
Psychological Maturity 
 The concept defined   on psychological maturity is described by the capacity and motivation to perform a task. If the leader provides favorable conditions, the employee will be well conducted to the right way.   Psychological maturity is the ability to trust, be motivated, to be prepared to perform a task.  This occurs when the individual matures with time.  The age of the individual is a considerable factor, but not decisive factor to  notice the mature psychological development.
  For a work to be done cannot simply examine the psychological maturity alone: you must examine the entire context of the task that will be developed and the variables to be done.  
Development means growth in components and in our particular world.  The influence of individuals and events   occurs in everyday life, affecting the growth of personality. This growth takes place not only for new elements, but on elements that enrich existing ones. This is called the process of ripening.
 The leader who is concerned with the particular growth, therefore, is able to provide greater maturity of its leadership. He should think of developing the various components of personality, so that there can be a global development, which includes, therefore, the conditions of working where he acts.  
Maturity for Work  
It is considered   the capacity   to perform a task involving their expertise. People with high maturity perform their functions without the need for aid, in contrast, people with low maturity need to work very technical direction to develop the required
The maturity to the work relates to how to develop the task. It can improve with training.    The knowledge and technical expertise are the two requirements to achieve the maturity to work. When someone has high maturity,  can achieve its objective.   
 According to the situational leadership are the three stages: 
1) Determine (low maturity),  
2) Persuade (maturity moderately low), and  
3) Share (maturity moderately high).  
The maturity to the work is described by the technical ability, knowledge of the task to be performed.
 If the leader provides favorable conditions, it is well directed.  The maturity to work relates to the confidence in themselves and to the commitment associated with the technical capacity developed by the employee, or to have a high level of maturity is necessary to have the overview of the context in which the employee is inserted, analyzing their psychological maturity and work.
This concept shows that the more the leader directs the conduct of relations and technical,   the greater the motivation, gaining of confidence and thus, maturing, producing positive effects for the manager and the enterprise.    



วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Leadership Styles and Types - Overview of Skills

Leadership style is crucial to success. We find leadership all around us. Each of us will fill the role ourselves at various times in our lives. Leadership can be found in the world of business, sports, politics, religion and as close as home. Leaders must respond to the rapidly changing world and meet the challenges it demands. There are different types of leaders and you will most likely encounter many over the course of time.

Understanding different leadership styles and their impact will help you become a more effective leader.

In 1939 famed psychologist Kurt Lewin identified classic styles of leadership. These three styles are well established though more specific types have been identified since. Leaders should not be confused with managers. Leaders are always managers but the reverse is not necessarily the case. Good leaders will use the style or a combination of styles that best fits the situation.


This is an authoritarian form of leadership where one person makes the decisions. The expectations are clear. Lewin and his colleagues found this form of leadership caused the most discontent. Used rarely but can be appropriate to complete routine or unskilled tasks.

  • What needs to be accomplished, as well as, how and when, are the sole responsibility of the leader.

  • Allows for quick decisions when time is crucial.

  • This is a less creative approach. A "Do what you are told" Obedient and strict form of control.

  • Use when a group or member doesn't have knowledge of the practice or procedure.

  • The autocratic style works best when there is no need for input. Input will not change the decision or outcome.


Democratic leadership is participatory and often most effective. Employees and team members feel in control of their own destiny when they are included in the decision-making process that leads to greater satisfaction and a feeling of appreciation. Although the leader may have the final say.

  • The leader acts as a guide. Accepts input and seeks ideas and suggestions through discussion.

  • Even though the leader may have the final say the team contributes to the process.

  • Democratic style can be problematic when the final decision is hampered by a wide range of opinion.

  • People are more committed when involved in the process of making decisions. They have a personal stake in the outcome.

  • This style is mutually beneficial and helps improve people skills.

Delegative/Free Rein:

As a leader it is not possible to do everything yourself. A leader must prioritize and delegate tasks and decisions while still taking ultimate responsibility.

  • Minimal in direction.

  • Allows decision-making by the team.

  • Works well when the team or a member is more knowledgeable about the subject.

  • This style works best with highly motivated and well trained people.

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